Friday, October 8, 2010

October 8, 2010

Good Afternoon Instructors,

It is an absolutely gorgeous fall day here in Minnesota! I hope it is just as beautiful where ever you are, and that you are able to enjoy some fun, fall activities as we close out the first week of a new fall quarter.

As you are getting into the full swing of things with a new quarter, I encourage you to think of ways to help your students connect with the course material on an even deeper level. A great way to do this, particularly in online courses, is through audio and video lecture implementation. There are many ways you can record lectures or presentations to share with your students, and I'd be happy to work with you individually on any you'd like to do. But there are also some great audio/video lecture resources readily available to us to simply add in to our courses. The following is a list of some great online resources I encourage you to check out for possible course implementation. These resources offer you the opportunity to bring into your courses expert guest lecturers without your students even needing to leave the comfort of their homes (or where ever it may be that they complete their coursework).

Stanford University's Entrepreneurship Corner

Khan Academy
UC Berkeley Webcasts
Academic Earth
World Lecture Hall

If you do locate and choose to add a lecture to your course from one of the resources listed, please remember to select the "Open in New Window" option so as to comply with Internet copyright regulations. Also, let me know how the lecture is received by your students. It may be a lecture we'd want to add to the master course shell for all future sections to benefit from.

If you have any questions on searching within any of these resources or adding a resource to your course, please let me know.

Have a great rest of the day and an enjoyable fall weekend!


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