Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 16, 2011

Good morning instructors,

As you are winding down winter courses I wanted to share one last blog with you for the quarter.  Research shows that students, particularly in the younger generations, are looking for education to reach them where they are and in the mediums they are most drawn to.  For many students that means entertainment and videos of some sort.

While it is essential to retain the integrity and content of our courses, why not think outside the box a bit to share that information with students in a new fashion.  Two unique - and a bit quirky - options to help with this are Animate videos and Xtranormal videos.  Each approach allows you to quickly and easily transform text into cartoon videos.  While the cartoons may seem quirky, it is actually a great way to connect with students where they are...after all, look at the success of Wii games and Wii me's!

I've talked about in the past, but Animate is a new topic I'm introducing, so if you have already checked Xtranormal out, I encourage you to now look at what Animate may be able to do for your courses.  And if you haven't seen either, I encourage you to check out both.  And maybe even think about creating one of your own for spring quarter!

Click here to view a video on what Animate is and how you can quickly and easily create your own Animate cartoon.

Click here to learn more about Xtranormal and then click here to see how one GEN course is actually using an Xtranormal video in its online course.

Let me know if you have any questions and have a great rest of the quarter!  I'll be blogging again spring quarter!

Heather Thomton-Stockman
Online Instructional Specialist

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