As we near the end of the quarter and students are busy working on final papers and projects, I thought now would be a great time to share with you a tip that Jennifer Stevens uses in her classes.
According to Jennifer, she provides "tip sheets for challenging assignments. This helps students know what I'm looking for and allows me to give them examples that might be useful. Instead of just telling them to incorporate the information from the text, I'll provide an example of how to do that (with proper citation, of course). These sheets allow me to elaborate on the rubrics for the assignments with specific examples. I've found it useful for APA citation issues as well."
I think this is a fabulous approach that Jennifer uses and I encourage you to carve out 20 minutes of your time this week to create a "tip sheet" for the final paper, project, or even exam that may be in your class. Sharing this with your students this week will allow them to use that tip sheet to compare their final work to before final submission. I think you'll find positive results and improved submissions overall.
Give it a try and let me know how it goes!
Heather Thomton-Stockman
Online Instructional Specialist
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