Monday, April 8, 2013

What are your course FAQs?

Do you hear many of the same questions from different students?  Do you have certain practices, expectations, or sets of information you want students to really know and understand at the start of a new quarter?  If yes, you might want to create a FAQ for your course much like what Lacey Finley is trying out in her classes this quarter.  Lacey created the below document to share with her students in hopes to help answer questions proactively.  I could even see the benefits of putting a FAQ to audio through a Screencast.  The audio could allow you to really emphasize certain areas.

Even though we are in the second week of the quarter, now is probably the best time to send something like this as students have muddled through the first unit material and announcements and may have some questions still looming in their minds.  A FAQ can help to proactively answer some questions you might receive and/or answer questions for students who may be hesitant to ask.

Lacey also shares some great overall course facilitation ideas within her FAQ, so I encourage you to read through it completely!

Check it out, give it a try, and let me know what you think!

Have a great week!
Heather Thomton-Stockman
Online Instructional Specialist 

Course FAQ
Are you easy to reach?
Yes! It is very important to me that you know that I am available and willing to assist you.   I typically check email at least once a day, Monday through Friday.   Email is the quickest, easiest and best way to communicate with me.  I also provide my cell phone number to all students, in the event that you wish to ask me an assignment question via text message. This FAQ will outline the many communication channels available to you.
Are you willing to help me if I have questions or need clarification? 
Absolutely!  I am here to serve as a facilitator, guide, mentor, teacher and subject matter expert.  I know that all students have unique needs from their instructors.  I wear many hats! 
How quickly do you respond to emails?
I check email at least once a day. I typically check emails no later than 9am CST Monday through Friday.  On a typical day, I will check email at least one more time in the afternoon.  The weekends vary depending on my schedule.  I will send a Weekend Availability email every Friday letting you know when I plan to check email over the weekend. 
What information should I include in email correspondence?
It is very helpful to me to have your course section number stated clearly within the subject line of your email.  It is important to clearly state your issue and/or reason for emailing.  Simply stating that you do not understand something does not provide me with enough information to be helpful.  Make sure that you are clear and giving plenty of detail. 
What is my course section number?
Your course section number is BS110.MX3.  A good example of a helpful email subject line is: Unit 4 Assignment Question - BS110.MX3.
Why do you need to know my course section number?
I teach multiple course sections.  Telling me your course section number in your email correspondence streamlines the reply process.  Providing this information saves me a great deal of time, therefore you receive a quicker reply.  
What is the late work policy for the course?
Late writing assignments will receive a 10 percent penalty for each day late, up to 5 days. No assignments will be accepted after the 5 day grace period. If an assignment has to be returned for some reason and the second attempt is received after the due date, the penalty will be given.  Unit 10 and Unit 11 must be submitted by the due date, regardless of the reason.  Discussion posts must be submitted by the due date for each unit.
This policy is universal for all circumstances. If you have an extenuating circumstance, which is very rare, you must submit your medical letter or other documentation to your dean of students for approval. Once they approve it, I can give you an extension and work with you on a timeline.  Please do not send this information directly to me. 
What if I have a computer or internet issue?
The late work policy applies to all situations, including technical issues.  Computer and/or internet issues are not extenuating circumstances.
Why should I watch the screencasts that are provided in most Units?
I provide students will a screencast link that walks them through various aspects of the assignment for the unit.  It is to your benefit to watch the screencasts.  Many students find the screencast to be beneficial and helpful.  Please try to view this information early in the week and be proactive in contacting me with questions after you read the assignment directions and view the screencast.  Please utilize this resource. 
What do I do if the screencast will not work?
If you are having issues viewing the screencast, please download and install the latest version of Flash Player:

What do I do if I have an issue with CampusConnect?
Please contact the Service Desk. Please see contact information below?
Toll Free: 1-877-862-0662
Service Desk Hours:
M-Th7:30AM - 10:00PM
F7:30AM - 9:00PM
Sa8:00AM - 4:00PM
Su2:00PM - 10:00PM
What is  SkillPort/Books 24X7?
SkillPort is a third party training company we partner with to provide training to students on business and technical skills. Some of the things SkillPort provides training on are leadership, customer service, and Microsoft programs.  Books 24X7 is a component of SkillPort.  Some courses use supplement resources from SkillPort and Books 24X7.  You will receive detailed information if your course utilizes these resources. 
What do I do if I have an issue with SkillPort? 
Please contact the Service Desk. Please see contact information below?
Toll Free: 1-877-862-0662
Service Desk Hours:
M-Th7:30AM - 10:00PM
F7:30AM - 9:00PM
Sa8:00AM - 4:00PM
Su2:00PM - 10:00PM
Can I send you a text message if I have a question specific question regarding an assignment?
Yes!  Feel free send a text message  if you have a quick  question about an assignment.  913-488-2995  If you send a text message, please give me plenty of detail including your course and your name.
It is important that you view the screencast provided, when applicable.  Make sure that you watch the screencast and email/text me with any specific questions you may have. 
When can I send you a text message if I have an assignment question?
Please note that I will address questions via text message between 8:00am and 8:00pm CST, unless otherwise noted in my Weekend Availability email. 
Please note that I check email frequently.  That is the best method of communication, however, I am happy to utilize text messaging as well. 
Can I send you a text message if I have a question about a grade?
Please note that I  do not answer gradebook questions via text message.  Any questions regarding grading, late work, or general gradebook questions must be sent via email. 
Can I call you if I have a question about a grade?
Any questions regarding grading, late work, or general gradebook questions must be sent via email.  It is important to have a clear written record regarding the communication. 
Can I send you a text message if I plan to submit my work late?
If you submit a writing assignment late, please let me know via email.  Make sure to include your course section number in the email correspondence. 
Can I send you a text message if I have technical issue with CampusConnect or SkillPort?
Please contact the Service Desk. Please see contact information below?
Toll Free: 1-877-862-0662
Service Desk Hours:
M-Th7:30AM - 10:00PM
F7:30AM - 9:00PM
Sa8:00AM - 4:00PM
Su2:00PM - 10:00PM
Can I send you a text message if I have a question about a quiz or exam?
All quiz and exam questions need to be sent via email. 
Can we be friends on Facebook?
I have a Facebook page designed to share information with current and former students.  I can be found by searching for Instructor Lacey Finley. 

1 comment:

  1. This looks like a good tool for answering questions concerning many of the different circumstances that come up during the quarter. Where do you post this in the course?
